Food, food for specific groups, nutritional supplements, medicines, cosmetics... different product portfolios require different advertising concepts.
What must be and what is allowed to be shown on the label? Apart from the mandatory labelling required by law, there is often the question of what other information or advertising statements may be printed on the packaging or label.
What advertising statements are allowed to be used? What are the permitted forms and limits of “eco-labelling”, meaning advertising the eco-friendliness of a product or packaging? When is a statement considered to be health-related and on what conditions are such statements allowed to be used in advertising? From the Nutri-Score and health-related information to (potentially misleading) images of green pastures: These are only some of the questions you may be faced with.
With a view to a high level of consumer protection, the legal requirements are usually strict, so it is advisable to keep them in mind from the outset of product development. Apart from provisions of the Food Information Regulation, the Health Claims Regulation, the Ordinance on Food Supplements, the FSG Regulation and Delegated Regulations, the Act against Unfair Competition and many more can play a role.
We find out for you what specific regulations need to be observed for your products, subject your product advertising to a comprehensive review or assist you in adapting existing advertising campaigns.
We also help you develop your business model in line with advertising regulations, including beyond the typical questions regarding foods, cosmetics and medicines and beyond the known advertising media. Whether it is about product advertising, sponsorship, assessment of distribution channels and concepts or individual advertising media – get in touch with us!