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Our “food law cast” is designed to inform you about current legal issues related to foods, consumer goods, cosmetic products and much more in the form of one-hour live webinars.

Even though food law is harmonised at the EU level, national differences in implementation and enforcement are observed. For this reason, we regularly invite guest speakers from our global network to discuss regulatory risks, the latest court decisions and monitoring practices and their impact on the food industry in the EU.

Our live webinars are recorded and offered here as free podcasts.

#1 TRENDING CLAIMS for food products

Do you know how risky your food marketing claims are? Especially when it comes to the national markets in the EU?

16. July 2020, The claims “vegan” or “vegetarian” and “natural” are emerging lately. Reasons for that are wide-ranging and may also be due to the trend of people tending to make more conscious and informed decisions and are focusing more on less processed food considering the impacts on climate change and the overall current public discussions. In this session of our podcast we addressed practical problems and regulatory risks for food business operators in terms of the claims like “vegan friendly” and “natural”, together with our colleagues Gaëlle Saint-Jalmes from France and Francesco Montanari from Portugal.

#2 TRENDING CLAIMS for food products

Do you know how risky your food marketing claims are? Especially when it comes to the national markets in the EU?

30. September 2020, Sustainability and Climate neutrality are en vogue: the EU wants to become climate neutral and so do many companies and some reusable coffee mugs are already. But does climate neutrality mean that all processes that produce climate-relevant gases are switched off? What claims are true, and which may be just used for “green washing”? In this session of our podcast we addressed practical problems and regulatory risks for food business operators in terms of the claims like “co2-neutral” and “environmental friendly”, together with our colleagues Sarah Arayess from the Netherlands and Magnus Friberg from Sweden.

#3 TRENDING CLAIMS for food products

Are you aware of the rules for indicating the country of origin or place of provenance? Do you know how when you must indicate the country of origin? Or what is the primary ingredient of your food?

11. November 2020, The country of origin labelling has a long history in the EU. Even though the core of the EU is the internal European market national interests play a crucial role in this topic. In this session of our podcast we not only discussed the challenges regarding the rules for indicating the country of origin for the primary ingredient laid down in Regulation 2018/775 but we also explored the latest court case “Lactalis” of the Court of justice of the European union concerning the requirements for national rules on the indication of the country of origin and got an insight into the latest rules that have been issued in Italy with the intent of promoting national products. This time with our colleagues Gaëlle Saint-Jalmes from France, Cesare Varallo from Italy and our esteemed colleague Levke Voß.

Other cooperation

The future of food e-commerce

How food e-commerce and food delivery are going to change after the COVID-19 outbreak, challenges for food business operators and food control. A talk with food lawyers from Germany, Italy, The Netherlands and Portugal sharing their ideas in the international network “food lawyers hub”.

Nutri Score

The Nutri Score - at the end of this year the norm on which the food label is based should (finally) come into force. Meanwhile, in Germany, the legal status of the label is still the subject of lively debate - is it an extended nutrition declaration under the Food Information Regulation or a nutritional claim under the Health Claims Regulation? - It is worth taking a look at our neighbouring countries, where the Nutri Score or comparable claims can already be found on the packaging of food. In the webinar of 25.06.2020 - organised by the network Food Lawyers Hub law - 5 lawyers from France, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands and Romania discussed this topic and talked about the practical implementation of this food label in their country.

Präsentations- und Funktionsarzneimittel

Von so genannten Präsentationsarzneimitteln war lange nichts mehr zu vernehmen. Das Bundesinstitut für Arzneimittel und Medizinprodukte (BfArM) erstritt jedoch wg. der Abgrenzung der Arzneimittel von Lebensmitteln mehrere Entscheidungen vor dem VG Köln, von denen nun die erste vom Oberverwaltungsgericht Nordrhein-Westfalen bestätigt wurde (OVG NRW, 6.2.2020 – „AktiVen“). Auch hinsichtlich der Funktionsarzneimittel gibt es Neues zu vermelden. Entgegen der bisherigen Rechtspraxis des EuGH und der Rechtsprechung deutscher Obergerichte spricht das Bundesverwaltungsgericht (7.11.2019 – Ginkgo) dem Kriterium der Gesundheitsrisiken eine Bedeutung zu, die diesem Prüfkriterium bislang nicht zukam. Das BVerwG stellte fest, dass, obgleich eine pharmakologische Wirkung eines Stoff bejaht wird, Zünglein an der Waage ein (fehlendes) Gesundheitsrisiko sein könne. Über diese aktuellen Entwicklungen sprachen im Dialog Dr. Evelyn Breitweg-Lehmann (BVL) und Prof. Alfred Hagen Meyer

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